I will continually be amazed at the capacity for compassion and tenderness I see so often in children, especially those of a young age. So many times, we as parents (Bryan & I, that is) breeze by each day, focusing on the duties in life rather than life itself. Laundry, check. Dinner, check. PJ's on, check. Teeth brushed, check. But ever so often comes a moment like today, where you know and sense the Holy Spirit working on the heart of your child.
In the book of Acts, we learn that Jesus says "It is more blessed to give than to receive." Today we got to see this principle come to life in the heart of Josiah. When Bryan picked Josiah up from pre-K today, one of his classmates was distraught that he had missed his chance to purchase a book from the Scholastic book fair. The rest of the day passed--mostly uneventful, though particularly trying for us. Josiah was fighting most of the afternoon and discouraged because he felt like he just couldn't do anything right. On days when we battle this discouragement in him, the day often ends heavy, with many tears and prayers that Josiah would truly know the love of Christ for him--not based on what he can do or based on his perfection, but just because He chooses to love Josiah.
So this day was playing out like many others. Us looking at the clock just waiting, and looking with relief, towards bedtime. But to our surprise, tonight ended on a much different note. Josiah explained to me what had happened during pick-up time at school. How his little friend was sad because he had missed the book fair.
And out of nowhere, Josiah asked, "Mommy, maybe we could give D one of our book fair books? Well, I don't know. I'm just thinking about it."
Wanting it to come out a genuine place in his heart, I gently encouraged the idea, but was careful not to pressure.
Five minutes later. "Mommy, I have 4 books from the book fair, so I don't need them all. I can give one of them away." Yes, I said that was a great idea. We immediately found his four books and he picked out which one to give. Touched by his generous heart, I was still hesitant as to whether he would change his mind.
Bryan and I explained to him how this was a great way to show the love of Christ to his friend. "Yes!" Josiah exclaimed. "Because Jesus loves me. And you love me. And I love D!"
Josiah immediately put the book in his backpack for school the next day. Grinning from ear to ear, you could clearly see the Holy Spirit's work on his heart. Josiah was tasting that it truly is more blessed to give than to receive. "I'm so happy!" he exclaimed.
And aren't Josiah's words so fitting for us all. God loves us. Jesus loves us. And it's that love that enables us to love others.