Friday, April 20, 2012

Fun in the midst of chaos

Well, we've had a dearth of posts as of late.  What can we say?  Life with 2 kids is downright crazy at times (again, how do our friends with more than 2 do it? you are our heroes!).  A good portion of March we spent traveling--either the entire family or Bryan with work.  And as ridiculous as it seems, it literally feels like it took us a month to recover and be somewhat rested (as rested as any parents with multiple children under the age of 5 could ever feel!).  And just as things seemed like they were normalizing, our eldest had a week that will go down in the record books.  There was some serious testing of boundaries--throwing, screaming, tantrums, and our all time favorite: taking his spoon for breakfast and hitting Abigail in the head (deliberately, mind you) not just once, but 3 times because "she was screaming too loud".  And did I forget to tell you that Josiah has quite an arm?  He went at her full force.  Thankfully, Abigail (and we) have survived.  And as crazy as things get, as exhausted as we feel, we still manage to have fun as a family.

So we wanted to dedicate this post to our sweet Jojo!  Though these past couple of weeks were emotionally draining and trying, Josiah still continues to amaze us and make us so proud as parents, not just for what he does, but who he is becoming.  We have been amazed by the generosity in his heart, as he continues to ask about the welfare of those homeless men we passed outside of church.  How he is learning to share with his sister, and how he tells her almost daily how much he loves her.  And when he notices her dolled up in a dress and tells her "ab-i-gail, you look so beautiful today. like a princess". 

So here are some fun videos of our sweet Josiah.  (And is there a future in baseball for this little guy??)

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Abby & the Irish

We are proud to report that we think we've discovered the calling of our youngest--Irish dancing .  I know you must be thinking--what?  Becca, she's only a 1-year old.  But I think it's clear that the Irish blood from Grandma Kim is expressing itself.  Take a look and see for yourself (the true Irish dancing emerges in the 2nd half of the video)!  All kidding aside, we just thought abby's new dance moves were too funny not to post.