Sunday, May 6, 2012

Why are we even talking about this now?

I've decided to dedicate this blog post to topics my three year old insists on talking about.  And often non-stop.  And they are the types of topics you think you won't have to deal with until their teenage years! 

Topic 1: Marriage

That's right.  At least a couple of times a week, Josiah asks, "Mommy, are you married to Daddy?".  "Yes sweetie, I am". 

His response, "but I don't have anyone to marry.  Mommy, who will I marry?" 

To try and placate his insatiable curiosity, I say, "Well, when you get old enough, you'll find a nice woman who loves Jesus and who loves you."  Thinking to myself, this answer really should suffice.

But no, Josiah quips back.  "But how will I find a woman?  Will you help me Mommy?"

So this conversation goes on and on.  I remind him again that he is much too old to even begin worrying about such a topic, but he does not relent.  One day, he got so excited (that type of excited where a light bulb goes off in your head!) and he exclaimed, "I KNOW!!!!  I can marry Abigail!".  Ummm.... no. 

Topic 2: Driving

While returning home from church one Sunday afternoon, I pointed out a local car dealership to show Josiah some sports cars.  The WHOLE way home, he kept insisting that he could and should be allowed to drive said sports car.  After explaining the procedure of driving (1. Turning 16, 2. Obtaining a driver's license, 3. Paying for car insurance), Josiah then proceeded to tell me that "actually, three year olds CAN drive sports cars."

Silly me, thinking that the conversation ended there.  However, the rest of the day, Josiah continued to ask when he would be 16, when he could drive a sports car, how he could get a sports car, and why he couldn't have a sports car for his first car.  Shouldn't we be having this conversation when he's 14? 

And of course, it wouldn't be a true blog post without some pics and videos of the kids--completely unrelated to the above, but still worth it.

One of my favorite shots of Abby

Sweet Jo holding Abby at 13 months! Look at those chubby cheeks.

And since we always take hordes of videos, but never upload them.... here are 3 new ones!

We'd like you to meet Mr. Monkey.  Mr. Monkey is abby's lovie.

Anybody who knows us well, knows that Chuck E Cheese is a normal part of our lives (especially Jojo's and Bryan's!!!).  And you can tell by this video that Abigail is definitely a Scott. 

See! Abby loves this place just as much as Jojo! 

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